September 17, 2010

Looking Back

Survived the freak thunderstorm/tornado/hail storm and felt the urge to put something of a different nature up on the street. I finally got the impulse to pull from some old sources and made a remix of Massacio's 'Expulsion From The Garden of Eden' (1425). My friends have been joking with me how no one in there right mind will make the connection but it definitely fits perfect with the place and the situation.

While putting it up this morning a very curious and protective woman overshadowed the whole process. I asked her if she wanted to see it before putting it up and she played aloof. Before I was through her and a man across the street began a shouting match at one another. The cussing finished just about when I finished and turning around I saw them both staring directly at me. I walked over and asked what they thought and the man, Roy, a resident of the Bed Stuy block for 43 years said he wanted to see it up closer. We all went up to examine and he pointed out the key elements right away. The iPod. And the number 86.

"Hell yeah, they're getting 86'd," exclaimed Roy.

"Don't you know it," I added.

Roy then asked, "So why the iPod?"

"Well you know how in the old story of Adam and Eve how they get kicked out for eating the Apple? Well everyone is still eating the Apple it just is a new type."

"Oh yeah, I see that. I see that," he replied.

"And what about the writing on the gate" pointing at the figure on the right.

"Oh that's about a 70-year old Doctor in Warren County who was caught tagging along the freeway. He wrote that word. Rowlow. I don't know what it's supposed to mean but it was kind of his expulsion from paradise."

Before leaving the woman finally spoke and said how the wall to the right was a Memorial to her son Pablo who was killed. She grabbed my hand and said she was just nervous that I would paint over her sons mural.

I told her not to worry and that I hope no one ever paints over the mural.

It's sad that most people think graffiti is about destruction when most people painting on the street pay more attention to architecture and property than most architects do. Talking to a writer is like sitting down with an Urban Planner. The only differnece is, at the end of the day shit gets done. Than again, there is always that one rotten apple.

Michaelangelo, 1508, Fall from Grace

Benjamin West,1791, Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise

Over Under, 2010, 86'd

September 15, 2010

Here Today Gone Today

1-day shelf life in Reno. Made while my friends were at the bar and buffed out while I was at the bar.

September 12, 2010

Without a Paddle

Burn Extended

Back from this years Burning Man after a week of building and running the Ghost Train with my 2 favorite Brooklynites. The playa just had too many notable nights of surprise sandstorms, twisted roller disco, ghost riding whips, jumping tall bikes, and enjoying great company. Here's a few pics of a spray extension I made using one of our leftover 2x4's. If you want to build your own all you need is some sort of extension, in this case a 16' long 2x4. Cut a 2.25" wide notch in one side of the 2x4 a few inches deep. Place the can in the slot and tape down using duct tape or your favorite trustworthy adhesive. Next saw a slit in the top of the spray paint cap. Make it just deep enough to hold a skinny rope without splitting the cap. Now get a rope and tie one end into a loose loop. Place the top of the loop in the slit of the cap you just cut. Run the rope down either side of the can and have the knot tie just at the base of the can. I used some additional tape to make little tunnel-like pieces to hold the rope equally on either side of the can (do this by rolling the duct tape over on itself like little penne noodles.) Now cut a hole through the 2x4 a few inches below the notch you previously cut out. I drilled mine out at a 45 degree angle. Lastly thread the rope through this hole and you should be good to go. Just pull and watch the rope pull the cap down for you. Voila! Now go get some hard to reach places.

Pics by Tyler McPherron and Kevin. See you next year.