Hey internet. I died.
Well, for about a week. And then I found some WiFi when I made it up to Berlin and here's a few of my favorite images from the trip.
Well, for about a week. And then I found some WiFi when I made it up to Berlin and here's a few of my favorite images from the trip.
Irgh, Earl, Grey, OverUnder in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin |
Anthony Lister, OverUnder, Irgh |
The City Where Strangers Meet |
Painted a fish truck in the Turkish Market for this guy. |
Olabad, OverUnder, and Earl |
This is definitely one of the weirdest and most gratifying painting i've made lately. |
Mein schatz |
Kittens and roller skating gallery owners are cute. |
Truth serum. |
Good eats. |
Alexander Vasmoulakis mural, Kreuzberg, Berlin |
Blasting away a quick one. |
Merlin from Berlin, err, well technically Vienna. |
Had to go back and change this one a bit. Gave him a complete arm and a big ol' smiling weiner obviously. |
Made in Barcelona but found a home in Kreuzberg. I love how it clipped the Y O U to leave O U. |
We have a series of these now. Love the little cars. |
Truck in the turkish market. Wurste Bande, Earl, OverUnder, Neukölln |
Life is loco. |
Best graff in Berlin, hands down. |
Lister working on a piece. |
Olabad wheatpaste in Neukölln. |
Daytime remnants. |
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